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Mr Ramakrishnan is  recognised by all the major medical insurance companies (BUPA, AXA PPP, AVIVA, WPA, CIGNA, HEALIX, VitalityHealth). Prior to your appointment, patients are strongly advised to contact their insurance company to confirm their cover and to obtain a preauthorisation number to facilitate reimbursement.


Before your appointment, you should consult your GP about a referral letter.  Otherwise, the cost of your care may be refused by your insurer.   The referral letter may be emailed or faxed to my secretary, or alternatively this can be brought by yourself on the day of the appointment.


The fees for treatment will be clear from the outset.  Your insurance company will be invoiced directly.  Should there be a shortfall in payment from the medical insurers, this shortfall will need to be paid by yourself.




If you do not have your own private insurance, you may choose to pay for your own treatment.


Consultation fees

New appointment: £190

Follow-up: £100


A GP referral letter is not necessary to facilitate consultation.


In addition, you will be charged  for additional investigations 

 (flexible nasoendoscopy, allergy tests, scans, hearing tests) and treatment.  


The fees for these will be clear from the outset.



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